Ranking Profile - Koito Manufacturing Co Ltd


Koito Manufacturing Co Ltd (Koito) is a manufacturer and distributor of automotive lighting equipment, aircraft parts, railroad car equipment, electronic equipment and other related products. The company’s product portfolio includes various lamps, indicators, halogen bulbs, road traffic control systems, LED displays, electronic aircraft components, and hydraulic equipment. It also provides environmental control systems, logistics, finance, and insurance services. The company operates production plants in Japan including Shizuoka Plant, Haibara Plant, Sagara Plant, and Fujikawa Tooling Plant. The company has business presence across Japan, the Americas, Europe, the Middle East and Other Asian regions. Koito is headquartered in Minato-Ku, Tokyo, Japan.

Company info

Country (HQ): Japan
Sector: Automotive
Market Cap (US$ m): 6,274
Revenue (US$ m): 6,388 (2023)

Innovation ranking


Innovation score

Closest peers in the Automotive sector

Innovation Ranking


Kia Corp

South Korea


Hyundai Motor Co

South Korea


Koito Manufacturing Co Ltd



Trigano SA



Titan International Inc

United States


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