Ranking Profile - Kyudenko Corp


Kyudenko Corp (Kyudenko) is a construction company that carries out the design and administration of electrical facilities. The company offers electrical installation facilities to buildings, factories, schools, and hospitals. It offers services like heating, ventilation, and air conditioning facilities; power distribution facilities such as power poles, overhead and underground distribution lines, lines to the home, and electric power meters. Kyudenko carries out providing infrastructure development facilities such as a community drainage system, water supply, and sewerage, wastewater treatment, and total energy management system. The company offers installation of information and telecommunication instruments in factories and buildings, cable television, and base stations for mobile communications, and installation of local area network, solar power and wind power generation. The company operates in Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand and Singapore. Kyudenko is headquartered in Fukuoka, Japan.

Company info

Country (HQ): Japan
Sector: Industrial Goods and Machinery
Market Cap (US$ m): 1,927
Revenue (US$ m): 2,924 (2023)

Innovation ranking


Innovation score

Closest peers in the Industrial Goods and Machinery sector

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