Ranking Profile - Materion Corp


Materion Corp (Materion) is a manufacturer of advanced materials. It produces and supplies engineered materials including alloys, film coatings, composites, precision optics, and beryllium products. The company serves various industries such as automotive electronics, consumer electronics, defense and science, energy, industrial components, commercial aerospace, medical, and telecom. It also offers services such as fabrication, material recycling and reclamation, chemical analysis, metallurgical testing, engineering, and design support, metal and inventory management and surface treatment. Materion operates manufacturing plants, service, and distribution centers, and other facilities across the US, Europe, and Asia. The company sold its product to end markets, including semiconductor, industrial, aerospace and defense, automotive, energy, consumer electronics, and telecom and data center. Materion is headquartered in Mayfield Heights, Ohio, the US.

Company info

Country (HQ): United States
Sector: Metals and Mining
Market Cap (US$ m): 2,153
Revenue (US$ m): 1,757 (2022)

Innovation ranking


Innovation score

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