Ranking Profile - Orion Energy Systems, Inc.


Orion Energy Systems, Inc. (OESI) is a provider of lighting products. The company offers light-emitting diodes (LED), daylighting and compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) lighting technologies. Its products include retrofit troffer and linear, network controls, LED garage canopy and standalone controls. OESI also develops, designs manufactures, markets, sells and implements energy management systems. Its product specialty features include an integrated sensor, battery backup, photocells, wire guard, field-installable end mounted sensors, and others. The company caters to the needs of agribusinesses, retail, parking lots, roadways, outdoor applications, mezzanine and private label resale. OESI is headquartered in Manitowoc, Wisconsin, the US.

Company info

Country (HQ): United States
Sector: Alternative Energy
Market Cap (US$ m): 48
Revenue (US$ m): 124 (2022)

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