Ranking Profile - Daktronics Inc


Daktronics Inc (Daktronics) is a provider of dynamic audio and visual communication systems. The company manufactures, designs and sells electronic scoreboards, large screen video displays, audio system, digital billboards, controller mass transit displays, Indoor dynamic messaging systems and indoor liquid crystal display (LCD) signs, digital street furniture, digital billboards and programmable display systems. Daktronics major customers include sports facilities, schools and colleges, retail stores, commercial buildings, government transport department for road signs and aeronautics department for navigation purposes. It has business presence in Japan, Spain, Singapore, Brazil, the US, the UK, Germany, France, Canada, Macau, Ireland, Hong Kong and Belgium. The company operates manufacturing facilities in China, Ireland and the US. Daktronics is headquartered in Brookings, South Dakota, the US.

Company info

Country (HQ): United States
Sector: Technology and Communications
Market Cap (US$ m): 272
Revenue (US$ m): 611 (2022)

Innovation ranking


Innovation score

Closest peers in the Technology and Communications sector

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