Ranking Profile - Far Eastern New Century Corp


Far Eastern New Century Corp (FENC) is a manufacturer of polyester polymer. The company produces and sells polyester materials, semi-finished products and finished goods such as cotton, synthetic or blended fabrics, towels and apparel, and woven and knitted garments; PET (polyethylene terephthalate) bottles and PET sheets. FENC also provides synthetic fiber yarns and fabrics, blended yarns as well as industrial yarns and industrial fabrics. It also engages in business including petrochemical, chemical fiber, textile, telecommunication services business, real estate business. The company operates its business in the US, Malaysia, China, Japan and Vietnam. FENC is headquartered in Taipei, Taiwan.

Company info

Country (HQ): Taiwan
Sector: Textiles
Market Cap (US$ m): 5,742
Revenue (US$ m): 8,862 (2022)

Innovation ranking


Innovation score

Closest peers in the Textiles sector

Innovation Ranking


Far Eastern New Century Corp



Coats Group Plc

United Kingdom


Shijiazhuang Changshan Textile Co Ltd



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