Ranking Profile - Newmont Corp


Newmont Corp (Newmont) is a gold mining and exploration company. It also carries out the exploration, production, processing, and refining of silver, zinc, copper, lead, and molybdenum. The company operates open pit and underground mining assets in the US, Mexico, Canada, Ghana, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Dominican Republic, Suriname, and Australia. Its portfolio of mining assets includes Phoenix, Carlin, Twin Creeks and Long Canyon, Boddington, Tanami, Pueblo Viejo, Ahafo, and Yanacocha. It also has several gold reserves and acreage, which is at an exploration stage. The company, together with its subsidiaries, operates in the Americas, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and Africa. Newmont is headquartered in Denver, Colorado, the USz.

Company info

Country (HQ): United States
Sector: Metals and Mining
Market Cap (US$ m): 35,563
Revenue (US$ m): 11,915 (2022)

Innovation ranking


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