Ranking Profile - Comtech Telecommunications Corp.


Comtech Telecommunications Corp (Comtech) designs, develops and markets space and satellite communications solutions. The company offers 911 and call delivery and call handling solutions, trusted location and messaging solutions, troposcatter and satcom solutions, satellite modem and amplifier technologies, space components and antennas, high power amplifiers and switches. It also provides cyber security training and services and advanced secure wireless communications technologies. The company offers products and solutions under COMET, COMET ELEVATE, Solacom, CyberStronger, Solacom Guardian, and Location Studio brand names. The company caters its solution to different industries, including media, medical equipment, government, and defense. It has business presence across North America, Asia-Pacific, and Europe. Comtech is headquartered in Melville, New York, the US.

Company info

Country (HQ): United States
Sector: Technology and Communications
Market Cap (US$ m): 312
Revenue (US$ m): 486 (2022)

Innovation ranking


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