Ranking Profile - Penumbra Inc


Penumbra Inc (Penumbra) is a medical device company that is focused on designing, development and manufacturing of products for neuro and vascular markets. Its products find use in procedures such as thrombectomy and embolization for treating conditions such as acute ischemic stroke, brain aneurysm, acute limb ischemia, deep vein thrombosis, neuro arteriovenous malformation, body aneurysm among others. Its major products include neurovascular access systems, revascularization devices, embolization coiling systems and microcatheters. The company sells its products to specialist physicians, hospitals and clinics through a direct sales organization. It also distributes its products through distributors globally. It has operations in the US, Brazil, Germany, Australia, Canada, Singapore, France and the UK. Penumbra is headquartered in Alameda, California, the US.

Company info

Country (HQ): United States
Sector: Medical Equipment
Market Cap (US$ m): 12,003
Revenue (US$ m): 847 (2022)

Innovation ranking


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