Ranking Profile - Charah Solutions Inc


Charah Solutions Inc (Charah) is a provider of environmental and maintenance solutions. The company offers remediation and compliance services which include environmental management of landfills and coal-fired powerplants, design and construction of new ponds, site evaluation and characterization, hydrogeological assessments, maintenance and technical services for power plants, fossil and nuclear services and environmental solutions. It also designs and implement solutions for various environmental projects and enable coal ash recycling through byproduct sales. Charah offers raw materials for cement manufacturing. The company specializes in coal ash management and recycling, environmental remediation and outage maintenance services. It serves power generation industry. The company has regional office in Charlotte. Charah is headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky, the US.

Company info

Country (HQ): United States
Sector: Power
Market Cap (US$ m): 19
Revenue (US$ m): 293 (2021)

Innovation ranking


Innovation score

Closest peers in the Power sector

Innovation Ranking


Siemens AG



Korea Electric Power Corp

South Korea


Charah Solutions Inc

United States


Sichuan Chuantou Energy Co Ltd



Shikoku Electric Power Co Inc



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