Ranking Profile - NEOWIZ HOLDINGS Corporation


NEOWIZ HOLDINGS Corp (NHC), formerly Neowiz Corporation, is an investment holding company. The company through its subsidiaries carries out PC online, console, and mobile game business. It offers games such as Unsouled, SANABI, Browndust, Guitar Girl, DruwaDungeon, New Matgo, Kingdom of Heroes: Tactics War, Baseball Clash, NEOWIZ Poker, Tapsonic Top, NEW PMANG VEGAS, Sudda, Swip Brick Breaker, and World of Solitaire among others. The company also concentrates on the development and operation of a blockchain platform with the main business purpose of discovering new businesses and new technologies. NHC is headquartered in Gyeonggi, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea

Company info

Country (HQ): South Korea
Sector: Technology and Communications
Market Cap (US$ m): 183
Revenue (US$ m): 231 (2022)

Innovation ranking


Innovation score

Closest peers in the Technology and Communications sector

Innovation Ranking


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