Ranking Profile - CRRC Corp Ltd


CRRC Corp Ltd (CRRC) is a manufacturer and distributor of railway transportation equipment. It offers a wide range of rolling stock products including high-speed MUs, transit vehicles, freight trains, electric locomotives, and carriages. The company also provides various components such as motors, electric control equipment, air springs, tight-lock couplers, draft gears, brake equipment, and a range of locomotive components. The company also carries out contracting, information consultation, finance leasing and services, and asset management businesses. It serves several industries including materials, energy equipment, industrial transmission, and engineering machinery. It has operations in Asia, North and Latin America, and Europe. CRRC is headquartered in Haidian District, Beijing, China.

Company info

Country (HQ): China
Sector: Transport and Logistics
Market Cap (US$ m): 26,495
Revenue (US$ m): 33,134 (2022)

Innovation ranking


Innovation score

Closest peers in the Transport and Logistics sector

Innovation Ranking


CRRC Corp Ltd


Transport and Logistics

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United States

Transport and Logistics

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