Ranking Profile - Fuel Tech Inc


Fuel Tech Inc (FTEK) is an integrated technology company that develops and commercializes proprietary technologies for air pollution control and fuel treatment. It specializes in the development and sale of advanced technologies for multi-pollutant control of air emissions, plant process optimization, and combustion efficiency and advanced engineering services. The company provides a wide range of combustion optimization services including airflow testing, coal flow testing and boiler tuning. FTEK also offers services to support optimize selective catalytic reduction system performance, including catalyst management services and ammonia injection grid tuning. Its customers include industrial entities and power utilities. The company has its operations in the US, China, India and Italy. FTEK is headquartered in Warrenville, Illinois, the US.

Company info

Country (HQ): United States
Sector: Clean Technology
Market Cap (US$ m): 40
Revenue (US$ m): 27 (2022)

Innovation ranking


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