Ranking Profile - Lantheus Holdings Inc


Lantheus Holdings Inc (Lantheus), a subsidiary of DuPont de Nemours Inc, carries out the development, manufacturing, sale and distribution of diagnostic medical imaging agents and products that assist clinicians in the diagnosis of cardiovascular and other diseases. The company offers products such as DEFINITY, VIALMIX, TechneLite, Xenon-133, NEUROLITE, Cardiolite, Gallium-68, and ABLAVAR. It offers its products in the therapeutic area of oncology, urology, nuclear medicine, cardiology, sonography and radiology among others. The company caters to hospitals, independent diagnostic testing facilities, government facilities, integrated delivery networks, radiopharmacy, clinics, and group practices. The company distributes its products in Europe, Asia, Asia-Pacific, Central America and South America. Lantheus is headquartered in Bedford, Massachusetts, the US.

Company info

Country (HQ): United States
Sector: Medical Equipment
Market Cap (US$ m): 6,695
Revenue (US$ m): 935 (2022)

Innovation ranking


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