Ranking Profile - NeoPhotonics Corporation
NeoPhotonics Corp (NeoPhotonics) is a designer and manufacturer of photonic integrated circuit (PIC)-based optoelectronic modules and subsystems. The company offers products such as pluggable coherent modules, coherent components, transceivers, optical switches, and high speed integrated circuits (ICs). It also provides laser devices, passive products, semiconductor optical amplifiers, and an inline digital power monitor. NeoPhotonics' solutions include Coherent 3D Sensing Solutions, Coherent 3D Sensing Solutions, and Silicon Photonics Solutions. The company operates in China, Hong Kong, Japan, India, Russia, and the US. NeoPhotonics is headquartered in San Jose, California, the US.
Company info
Country (HQ): | United States |
Sector: | Technology and Communications |
Market Cap (US$ m): | |
Revenue (US$ m): | 290 (2021) |
Innovation ranking
Innovation score
Closest peers in the Technology and Communications sector
Innovation Ranking
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